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Join Our Board
As an Arizona 501(c)3, the managing board of the Master Chorale of Flagstaff is comprised of volunteers who are both members of the chorale, as well as non-singing community members at large. Board members are asked to serve for three-year terms.
We welcome your interest in serving on our board!
Board elections take place in April. To be considered as a board member, please fill out our BOARD MEMBER APPLICATION.
Statement of Equal Opportunity
It is the policy of the Master Chorale of Flagstaff to recruit, employ, and take other management and personnel actions with respect to all employees and job classifications without regard to age, sex, race, creed, national origin, religious persuasion, marital status, sexual orientation, or political belief, and to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities for handicapped workers, as well as for disabled persons and veterans.
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